Dream 10.26.23

Started off as a date with a older man who was suavely dressed. Navy blue suit European cut giving French inspired with tight higher ankle cuffs, bright socks & dress shoes. We were in his hotel on a yellow couch. It was a first date and as we talked he was styling a young man in gray & blue suit with wildly patterned shirts. We go to the movie or play & walk through a parking lot at night. Ahead of us is a gathering of people on the sidewalk and we cut through the lot. He offers me a cigar which I accept & smoke. He notices a vehicle/ spaces he knows &ask why it’s so crowded:I reply that Grounded and Romeo + Juliette are being show. He Romeo + Juliette is boring: I say Shakespeare has other plays just as good if not better like Titus andronicus or a mid summers dream. He concurs as we walk to his truck a black ford f 350 late 90s – early 00s model. Jacked up off the ground with 1 step. He leans over & opens my door hopping out leaving his keys & me. He hops in another truck & drives to where we were in the parking lot. I get in the drivers side as wee bey (the wire) gets in the passes side remarking I’m a lefty as i crank up and start the process to put it in gear. It was a diesel engine & a brake realease on the floor. Pressing it I the pickup narrowly missing cars that came from nowhere. In the street I have to back up from a truck coming towards me & stop on a dime out of the way. Wee Bey offers me the truck as if I can handle it. I wake up as the offer is made.

Post details

The truck was my uncle black pickup. While on the date we talked liberation and how that leads to assassination or discreditation.


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