Tag Archives: balance

Gwarth -o estel (betrayal)

Thorne, Dorrian. “Elvish Translator.” Fun Translations, Orthosie, funtranslations.com/elvish.
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Dick driven decisions

You think I only think with my dick Let me explain to you my needs what role has to play. Sex I need it It helps me calibrate my desire and will One night a week for an hour or … Continue reading

Posted in poetry, rant, Romantic, sexual/mature, Snapshot, tell em I said it | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


To those absentee people out there Careful about coming back in The wreckage The damage The wounds have closed Scabs are forming They’re not caring to get to know you. It was hard on you when it happened Life was … Continue reading

Posted in poetry, Poets Rally, rant, Simple stuff, Snapshot, tell em I said it, Tell them I said it | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


my strength will be my downfall it undermines my heart bringing me closer to the edge. my power does not say you i am but shields me from me unveil my power reduce my strength you’ll find me broken healing … Continue reading

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ebb and flow

clear skies sunny rays no clouds for last few days no rain no pain. inspiration spent on academics no drama nor comedy just laughing at me. old tunes play anew some things never change no matter what i choose to … Continue reading

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